Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Stories For All Time

Since the beginning of man’s existence, stories have been told. They were told to share experiences like hunting for food, family life or happenings in the world outside their dwellings. Sounds mundane, right? But, think about it…

As time went on, the accounts started to encompass the history of man as well. They told of kings and servants and servants who became kings. Tales were shared of living heroes who performed amazing deeds that seemed bigger than life! Those yarns enthralled listeners and inspired generations to become heroes themselves bringing about legend through their feats.

The ponderings of the masses, on those champions, encouraged bravery and inventive insight among those with adventurous spirit. Both young and old alike were moved to pursue enormous undertakings that would, in turn, astound those who came after them.

Those people, the adventurous souls who went into the world and had monumental success, are those who are our families. They invented technology, fought on the side of right, saved lives, taught us to love and aspire to things greater than ourselves. They had exciting exploits, didn’t they?

They were directly involved in making us who we are. We may not have known who all of them were, but they affected our lives today. Do you know their stories and how that makes you who you are? Do you know about how your Grandparents or Great Grandparents made it during WW 1 or WW 2? How did they meet? What were their goals and dreams? What were their beliefs? What amazing things did they do during their lifetime that paved the way for you? And, do you have it written down to share with others?

These are questions that are well worth investigating, as much for yourself as for those who come after you. Find YOUR "story for all time". Write it down and become your family’s Story Keeper. Share it with your family and friends. You never know… YOU might rouse someone in future generations to become the new clan hero!

Sunday, February 7, 2010


I would like to take the opportunity to thank those who have visited this blog. Next, I would like to ask forgiveness for not keeping up with the blog in the past few months.

That is about to change!

I have a renewed inspiration to write new and interesting content for those who would venture here. I look forward to hearing from my visitors!

Be back shortly with a new post!

Friday, August 14, 2009


We Made the List!

We are #132 on Inc. Magazine's list of "500 Fastest Growing Private Companies"! And we are ranked #9 in "Consumer Products and Services"!

Check it out:

Way to go! It's all because of YOU!

Thank you so much everyone for being such great Storytellers!

Cindi Lawson
Personal Publishing Consultant

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Workin' On It

Hello, all!

I am so sorry to not have my complete blog up and running for you to read. However, I am definately working on it! Shortly I hope to have some interesting things for you to read about and some projects for you to do that make great gifts or that you can keep for yourself!

Any of the projects that I post will be easy enough for just about anyone to do. Some people may need a bit of help (like kids..), but for the most part, they are friendly to those who really aren't busting out with talent in crafts arena. The best part? They come out looking great! These can be created using a template that you can customize yourself so you can give a special gift that people will love. Check back in a few days. I will be updating as I get new material together.

I am looking forward to helping you get started telling your own story in a creative and beautiful way!

See ya soon!

Cindi Lawson

Personal Publishing Consultant